Not Even Past is produced by Encyclopedia Virginia at Virginia Humanities. Hosted by Editor Brendan Wolfe, it's for history lovers but also for people who just love a good story. In each episode, Wolfe combs through the encyclopedia looking for the most interesting people and the most provocative questions. This podcast is produced by Miranda Bennett.
The Resurrection of Henry Box Brown at Philadelphia (Library of Congress)
Episode 1: The Flight of Henry Box Brown
Inside he hung feet-side-up, his temples throbbing, his head near to bursting. The box was addressed to Philadelphia—or, put another way, to freedom.
Portrait of George Wythe by William H. Crossman, 1927 (Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)
Episode 2: The Death of George Wythe
Thirty years earlier he'd signed the Declaration of Independence. On this morning he ate a spartan breakfast of milk and strawberries, never even tasting the arsenic.
Belle Boyd (Documenting the American South)
Episode 3: The Charms of Belle Boyd
Given a choice between common sense and her version of things, men always leaned toward her version. It was a gift that served the Confederacy well.
The Spanish territory of la Florida, ca. 1570 (Library of Congress)
Episode 4: The Mystery of Don Luis (Part 1)
Plucked from the New World by lost Spaniards, an Indian wins an audience with King Philip II and, on death’s door, changes his name.
Spanish caravels in the time of Columbus
Episode 5: The Mystery of Don Luis (Part 2)
Trapped in Mexico City, a newly baptized Indian misses his chance to return home. Back in Spain he touches the fire and bides his time.
The Killing of Father Segura and His Companions (University of North Carolina Press)
Episode 6: The Mystery of Don Luis (Part 3)
After nine years abroad, a Virginia Indian returns home with a group of Jesuits in tow. The priests write an excited letter to their superior and are never heard from again.