Stacey Evans
A Flight Forgotten
University of Virginia Magazine, Fall 2016
A brief history of a familiar statue
A Civil Occupation
University of Virginia Magazine, Spring 2015
Looking back on the Union occupation of Charlottesville
Unearthing Slavery at UVA
University of Virginia Magazine, Spring 2013
Recent discoveries raise new questions about the past.
Maine Times, April 2002
With the posse searching for wandering Wanda in Jefferson, Maine
Driving Myself Nuts
Maine Times, January 2002
A reluctant commuter's diary
Friday Night Rites
Maine Times, October 2001
The best stories aren't necessarily on the football field.
Finding Thomas Rider
Maine Times, July 2001
Has a man from Waldoboro, Maine, discovered the secret of the universe?
Last of the Penobscot
Maine Times, May 2001
At the center of a tribe's quest to save its language is the controversial Frank Siebert.
Dying Out
Maine Times, May 2001
Studying Penobscot means studying an entire way of life.